Friday, July 16, 2010

'Feel Good' recovery

Who among us believes or even thinks that the economic recovery has begun ‘in-force?’ Offer then your proof of said recovery. What is the measure of economic prosperity? What amount of income does one person need to earn in order to be described as economically successful? How much earning power must be stripped away from productive society members in order to make the non-productive and the unwilling societal members economically prosperous? What are you willing to ‘give’ to those who won’t or refuse to produce? The White House and its spin doctors have once again hit the ‘campaign trail’ to tell us about the Emperor’s New Clothes – the Economic 0bamao Recovery. That sell is incredible. For those folks who are unfortunate and have lost their jobs – many have quit looking and have settled for lower-paying even part-time work that barely keeps food on the table. There are those who are still receiving their jobless benefits but are facing the very real probability that no job is available and they will find themselves in the aforementioned status. For those new to the jobless benefits they know that this is not what she or he wants. The net result is disillusionment with the charm, smiles and silvery rhetoric of ‘hope.’ For the sale that exists now is the empty message of ‘hope’ that socialism and a fundamentally changed capitalist system cannot bring. 0bamao is a liar and a misanthrope. He trusts only big government. He doesn’t care what you want or need. He knows there is no economic recovery that will allow you and me to be successful in our own definition of success. His desire is for your success to be tied to your neighbor’s inability to succeed. He wants you to give up the collective difference from who those who have more to those who want more. The problem lies in the fallaciousness of that reasoning. In our system those who own or provide the means of production provide also the jobs that produce tax revenues and economic success for those whom they employ. No government job produces tax revenues that sustain an economy. There must be production of goods and services that are sought by a consumer willing to pay for those good and services. Socialists like 0bamao don’t want that system. They want everyone’s economic salvation to be predicated upon everyone having the same level of ‘junk’ except of course those like him who know best what we need. In the words of Sharon Osbourne, “He’s barking mad.” Sharon would know that definition, she’s married to Ozzie. Realistically we are faced with a dilemma. Shall we be bold and rid ourselves of these ‘fleecers’ in the Fall 2010 midterm elections or shall we stand idly by scratching our heads wondering who’ll step up and ‘do it?’ There is no one else. It’s come down to this we must get our hands dirty, do the heavy and unpleasant lifting of eliminating the trash from our governance process. We won’t get them all in the first sweep but our next sweep will – 2012 can put the socialists into a deep sleep which should be familiar to them since they are somnambulistic dreamers of the 0bamao persuasion who have no cogent thoughts of their own.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Department of Justice Scofflaws

I have been struggling with the right words to describe my disbelief over the illegal behavior of the Department of Justice attorney, who has at the request of the 0bamao administration dropped the cases of voter intimidation against members of the New Black Panthers who threatened and intimidated voters during the 2008 elections. When I became old enough to vote I had to pay a ‘poll tax.’ The poll tax was meant to keep poor and black voters away from the ballot boxes. That was a pure form of voter intimidation and discrimination. I add to this that the Voter Rights Act of 1965 was already Federal law when I had to pay the ‘poll tax.’ Fast forward to this behavior by the Department of Justice and we see a revisiting of voter intimidation only it’s coming from a president who has sworn (by his own admission in his biography) to ignore his mother’s race because it represents oppression and thusly will intimidate anyone who comes to the voting place who is not black.

The political appointees swore an oath to uphold the laws of the land and now we learn that not only did the Department of Justice civil rights division attorney Thomas Perrelli choose to ignore the law but he did so in consultation with Cassandra Butts, former White House deputy counsel and Harvard classmate of 0bamao (aka CINCO - comrade-in-chief 0bama) whom she calls her dearest friend. Attorney General Eric Holder and his boss 0bamao (CINCO) have blatantly violated their oaths of office. 0bamao warned those who would vote for him and those who wouldn’t that he was out to fundamentally change America. His idea of fundamentally changing America is to ignore 234 years of learning to be a representative government. This nation is quickly becoming a thugocracy run by a despot, elected by the incapable and fawned over by the blinded left media sycophants.

If we stay away from the November elections we will get more of this. And if we turn out in force to reject their behavior they will act in ‘lame-duck-absentia’ to destroy this nation with their poison pill legislation. We must bite down hard on the bullet and get rid of this despot and his fawners.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Spin and Lie when all else fails

It looks as though CINCO (comrade-in-chief Obama) and his minions will be targeting the tax cuts put into effect after the 9-11 attacks as the reason that the economy is failing. When all else fails point the accusatory finger at Bush. There is a problem with that logic: the housing mortgage market imploded taking the economy with it. If you examine carefully the reasons behind the mortgage market implosion you will clearly see that its implosion had nothing to do with tax relief. The mortgage market imploded taking the main economies with it because of the failed lending practices put into place by the bereft policies that everyone, without regard to their ability to repay, deserved a mortgage. The sub-prime mortgage market was like the junk-bond market of the 1980s. When you change the fundamental rules of doing business and thereby protecting the lender and the borrowing public from extreme failures you are at risk for the total mortgage market failure. Guess what happened. Yep. The entire mortgage market failed taking down the economy which was threaded to the mortgage market domestically and internationally. Who changed the rules? It began with Jimmy Carter, William Proxmire and Paul Volcker. Think for a moment about the former president who has built a reputation on building ‘free homes’ for those who couldn’t afford to own a home. Carter. In successive years the predominantly Demokrat congress (house and senate) have loosened the controls and lowered the standards for mortgage lending practices as well as funding the quasi-governmental failures known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Remember too that it was Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Barney Frank (D-MA) who’ve been at the helm of making those fundamental changes. You cannot pin the failed economy on Bush without heaping blame on the Demokrat legacy of free housing at the tax-payers’ expense. Blaming Bush is like blaming a firefighter for the house burning down but that is the November tactic that is brewing in the gangster-riddled boiler room of the Chicago thug in the Whitehouse. Don’t sit around and listen to their lies. Stand up and challenge them wherever you find them. They want you to forget that it was the mortgage market that took down the economy and that THEY (CINCO included) precipitated the failure. From Alinsky’s rules for Radical, Rule #5 states, "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." The Demokrat plan of attack for the mid-term elections is to ridicule any conservative platform as failed Bush policy. Pay attention to this one as they will try repeatedly to convince you through ridicule, which they admit is irrational but it keeps their opponent off-balance. They are liars and market wreckers. That is what communists do.