Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Evening

Tomorrow is Sabbath. It is that day that I long for. God spoke to Moses and gave him this, "Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy;" maintain this day as mine, apart from all others, unlike all others and spend this day in worship and honor of me. So where do we go on Sabbath? What do we do on Sabbath? Whom do we honor and worship on Sabbath?

Let's try something for a month. Let's keep this fourth commandment. Let's set our work aside and give those who work for us a Sabbath rest. Let's focus our attention upon God, God's Creation and how it is that God wants us to live. Today's date is August 29, 2009 - on September 26, 2009 let's check back in to see how we did.

Prayer: God you have loved us for such a long time that we can have no memory except our own of your love for us. You sought us as broken, wounded and helpless. You lifted us through your grace, Jesus Christ and gave us the hope of eternal life. As we struggle to keep your will intact in us give us your wisdom and understanding that we may keep the Sabbath as holy, apart from all others, unlike all others and spent in worship of you. In the Redeeming Name of Jesus - AMEN!

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