Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bolshevik Liar - NO TRANSPARENCY!!

Transparency, what does it mean? Let’s go to the dictionary, “1 a(1) having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly : PELLUCID (2) : allowing the passage of a specified form of radiation (as X rays or ultraviolet light) b : fine or sheer enough to be seen through : DIAPHANOUS; 2 a free from pretense or deceit : FRANK b easily detected or seen through : OBVIOUS c readily understood.” Hmmm…free from pretense or deceit. Sheer enough to be seen through.

In light of CINCO’s (Comrade-in-Chief Obama) current charades on healthcare and climate change exactly when does he plan on allowing the rest of Congress (non-Demokrat) and the citizens of this Republic to be part of his totalitarian makeover of our nation? CINCO (Comrade-in-Chief Obama) IS A LIAR AND IS NOT KEEPING HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISE TO HAVE THE MOST TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT EVER. THE ONLY THING TRUTHFUL ABOUT HIS PLANS IS THAT IT IS TRANSPARENT TO EVERYONE THAT HIS PLANS ARE THE TAKEOVER OF THIS NATION BY COMMUNISTS AND HIS COMRADES IN BOLSHEVISM.

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