Friday, October 23, 2009

Just say 'no' to Fox - not so fast

CINCO (Comrade-in-Chief Obama) and his White House Slander Secretary are hard at it this morning as they have been over the past three weeks attempting to muzzle, silence and exile Fox News. The only way you couldn’t know this is if you haven’t turned on the news in the past month. Yesterday an interesting event happened. There is a Whitehouse pool of news outlets that amalgamates events in the Whitehouse for other news outlets to dissect and disseminate. It is a resource conservation technique that works well until you attempt to dismantle it as CINCO (Comrade-in-Chief Obama) and his White House Slander Secretary did. ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS and Fox comprise the Whitehouse pool. Yesterday when “Pay Czar” Kenneth Feinberg was ‘allowed’ to be interviewed by the pool, CINCO (Comrade-in-Chief Obama) and his White House Slander Secretary said yes but Fox is not allowed to interview Feinberg (link: Guess what happened. The other four press members of the pool said no thanks, if Fox is not allowed we won’t interview the “Pay Czar” either. YES!!! What you saw happen with the fourth estate was an awakening to the abridgement of the U.S. Constitution that has been surreptitiously creeping throughout the capitol, especially from the nefarious and evil world of the Chicago-style thugs, thieves and liars of CINCO’s people. They don’t care about the U.S. Constitution. I believe more and more everyday that these criminals will attempt to subvert the 2012 election process perhaps even the 2010 elections through deceit and treachery.

It is time to stand up and fight these criminals. Not only have they single-handedly attempted to destroy the dollar’s value and free enterprise but they are attempting to turn America into Amerika where “president-for-life-CINCO” can run amok as a national communist organizer.

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