Saturday, October 17, 2009

Whistle stop socialism tour

CINCO (Comrade-in-Chief Obama) and his Congressional mouthpieces are at it again. CINCO continues to push back against those who argue against this destructive tax-and-spend phony healthcare reform. This is nothing more than a way to create a command economy. Healthcare, because of the growing senior population, is quickly becoming a large part of the GDP service sector as well as manufacturing. We have but to look at where CINCO’s Bitter Half – Michelle – worked and received such huge compensation and bonuses (thanks to Michelle Malkin’s work and research). There isn’t an innocence and altruism that we should become doctors, nurses and volunteers – it produces revenue streams for these Chicago-style thieves and thugs who are in the Whitehouse.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid let slip yesterday that the real cost of the Senate healthcare reform legislation is not $880 billion but $2 trillion. $2 TRILLION is outrageous and for what? We’ll have slammed upon us a 10% tax increase if not more to fund this socialism/totalitarianism that feeds directly into the Obama pockets and others in this administration of Chicago thieves and thugs.

These people can’t earn an honest living so they steal and decry Wall Street as thieves. Wow what hubris! CINCO (Comrade-in-Chief Obama), his Chicago thieves and thugs and his Congressional puppets are lining up at the trough. They know that they will need to use the nuclear option to slam this healthcare bill through both houses. They don’t care as long as we pour the money into their pockets. Wait ‘til the un- and under-insured find out what their cost is. It won’t be pretty when the whole nation is in an outrage over this fraud. CINCO (Comrade-in-Chief Obama), his Chicago thieves and thugs and his Congressional puppets are liars and deceivers. This train of deceit has left the station and CINCO is on the whistle-stop tour on our dime (uh millions of dollars) selling this smoke and mirrors socialism/totalitarianism grab.

Next stop your wallet!!

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